CorpImages.net believes that a strong guarantee of privacy is essential to the success of its services and to your ongoing patronage, as well as to the overall health of the Internet. For these reasons, CorpImages.net adheres to the following privacy principles:
Principle 1
First and foremost, CorpImages.net
will keep all of your personal information private, and will not
share it with any third parties. Your personal information is
between you and us.
Principle 2
Your personal information is used only for "group" demographic
statistics and to target appropriate messages tailored to you.
CorpImages.net will not disclose your individual personal
information to anyone, unless acting under a good faith belief
that such action is necessary to:
Principle 3
If at any time you believe that CorpImages.net has not adhered to these principles, please notify
us as soon as possible by email at legal@CorpImages.net.
We will use all reasonable efforts to promptly correct the problem.
If you have questions about this policy, please email us at legal@CorpImages.net.
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